SEAWINGS Progress Meeting in Modena, Italy

The SEAWINGS Consortium, along with end-users including representatives from the Portuguese Navy and the Italian Army, convened for a crucial three-day meeting at the Accademia Militare in Modena, Italy. The group focused on exploring the project’s trajectory, emphasizing user requirements and the technological specifications essential for the SEAWINGS vehicle’s success

Day One began with a welcome by Márcio Pinto of LPRC, outlining the agenda and objectives. The meeting then covered updates on project progress, including general management, coordination of actions, and a review of the Gantt chart, deliverables, milestones, communication strategies, and reporting periods. Discussions led by Paola Fratantoni (Z&P) and Nuno Almeida (Porvalor) addressed user requirements, interoperability, policies, and standards, including stakeholder requirement collection and analysis of regulations for Wing-In-Ground (WIG) crafts. Following a coffee break, the consortium explored foundational research and conceptualization, with presentations covering system conceptualization, control research, virtual models, perception sensors for autonomous WIG crafts, and power system studies.

The following day, after presenting the project comprehensively to the end-users, Z&P led a workshop reminiscent of the one held in Oerias, Portugal, in September. This session aimed to delve into the practical applications of the SEAWINGS vehicle, emphasizing its potential to significantly enhance European maritime security.

The final day focused on aligning operational requirements with technical capabilities. A technical workshop facilitated by UPM, INESC TEC, and Trisolaris, alongside the Advisory Board, delved into the technical and operational aspects crucial for the project’s success. This session emphasized the importance of synergy between technical solutions and operational demands to ensure the SEAWINGS project meets end-user needs efficiently.