Review meeting, phase I

The SEAWINGS project, funded by the European Defence Fund (EDF), held its first Review Meeting in Brussels, Belgium, on 5th September 2024. The event was hosted by the coordinating organisation LPRC. The primary objective of the event was to bring together project partners and the Project Officer – the representative of the European Commission –  to present and discuss the ongoing tasks within the 5 Work Packages (WPs) that have been running during the first reporting period: from December 2022 to May 2024.

Marcio Tameirao Pinto, representing LPRC as coordinator of the project, opened the event with welcoming words, followed by the presentations envisaged in the agenda of the event, covering administrative, research and technical aspects of the development of SEAWINGS. The main purpose was to present the work that have been implemented during the reporting period, timeline, challenges, risks, and the workplan for the upcoming months:

  • WP1 – General management and coordination of the project . Delivered by LPRC. 
  • WP2 – User requirements, interoperability, policies and standards. Delivered by Z&P and Porvalor.
  • WP3 – Foundational research and conceptualization. Delivered by UPM and INESC TEC.
  • WP4 – Mechatronics, guidance, navigation, and autonomy and control experiments. Delivered by UPM and Trisolaris.
  • WP5 – Perception and sensor fusion, monitoring and visualization, avionics experiments. Delivered by INESC TEC.

The last session of the meeting was dedicated to open discussions and suggestions provided by the Project Officer. After the presentations and fruitful discussions, the SEAWINGS partners are aligned and committed to work hard on the implementation of the project tasks in the short, medium, and long term period.